Saturday, May 21, 2016

You Can Look Young Despite Your Age

Everyone knows that aging is unavoidable. Though we cannot prevent aging, we can look young by taking a few steps. Perhaps, this is what is called as graceful aging.
The first step you should take to look young despite your age is to keep your skin young. Due to aging and excessive exposure to sun, wrinkles are formed on the skin. Further, thin lines around the eyes called crow's feet are also formed to show your age. It is better to use a good sunscreen lotion made of natural ingredients before you venture out in the sun. You should also use a good cleanser, toner and moisturizer for keeping your skin young. Cleanser, toner and moisturizer should be used twice a day, once during the daytime and again before retiring for bed in the rights.
You should keep monitoring your weight and fat levels. Not allowing them to increase beyond the desired levels will keep you young. By adopting a good exercises regimen and also a good diet regimen, you can keep your weight and fat levels under control. Experts have time and again proved that the contribution of a good exercises regimen is 20% and that of a good diet regimen is 80% in controlling weight and fat. Exercises like yoga, aerobics and other cardiovascular exercises such as swimming, cycling, jogging, running and brisk walking will keep you fit and help you in controlling your weight and fat
If you are having the habit of eating more of junk foods, processed foods and oily and spicy foods, you should stop this habit forthwith. You should switch to a diet regimen that consists of more of fiber foods to keep you young. Fiber foods are fresh fruits and vegetables, and foods that are made of wholesome grains. You should also add good fats and good carbohydrates to your diet. Proteins will help you to build good muscles.
Women should make it a point to consume foods that contain more of calcium. Especially, women who have crossed the age of 50 need more of calcium because they may be affected by Osteoporosis due to which bone fractures may happen. Good quantities of calcium will help them prevent this problem. Low-fat dairy products contain a good amount of calcium.
For looking young, despite the age, you should have a good night's sleep. In general every person requires 7 to 8 hours of a good night's sleep. In addition to that, you can learn to have power naps intermittently so that you can make use of a good rest to rejuvenate your system to look young in spite of aging.

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